Learn how to use the Imagination Sequence to construct a marketing story that creates a Singular Big Buying Idea in the minds of your prospects
Understand the clarity and ease of writing sales copy by knowing exactly when prospective customers make their Buying Decisions and the influential power of forming an idea in their imagination called "Potential Possibilities"
Acquire deep insights about how and why every prospect must experience all Five Psychological States Of Awareness and how to write sales copy that moves your prospects through the Three Transitional Doorways
The true power of using Conversion Point Marketing to guide a prospect through each step in the copywriting process so that they are always focused on taking the correct Action Step (and not making a buying decision too early or at the wrong time)
How to use the four step copywriting process of Attention, Interest, Engagement and Offer to build a genuine Value Proposition that triggers a SECOND Buying Decision called the Buyer's Frenzy Mindset
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Truly Great Marketing Campaigns Combine Storytelling & Copywriting To Project a "BIG BUYING IDEA" Called POTENTIAL POSSIBILITIES Into The Imagination of Any Prospect. To Achieve Truly Amazing Results From Your Marketing Campaigns, the Marketing & Sales Copy Must Use an IMAGINATION SEQUENCE and Four Ascension Steps: Attention, Interest, Engagement, and Offer.
COPYWRITING must move prospective customers through Three Transitional Doorways and Two Distinct Buying Decisions with each required Action Step clearly defined by CONVERSION POINTS
STORYTELLING grounds your marketing message into relatable ideas which triggers a prospective customer's IMAGINATION getting them to "see" the BIG BUYING IDEA called POTENTIAL POSSIBILITES
COPYWRITING should convey a clear and actionable marketing message that builds an OFFER that conveys a Value Proposition based on your own Preeminent Distinction that triggers the BUYER'S FRENZY MINDSET
Build Funnels
Write Copy
Host Webinars
Tell Stories
Record Videos
Get Leads
Use Email Sequences
And Other Marketing "Stuff"
The true goal of marketing is to first get your prospective customers to envision the Big Buying Idea called "Potential Possibilities" with their own imagination:
Once you know what you are actually "selling" to a prospective customer, then you can write copy that is focused, targeted and influential
The key is to know when a prospective customer transitions from a Deficiency Aware state to their own understanding of the Potential Possibilities
Only after a prospective customer has arrived at a state of Potential Possibilities will they assess a Value Proposition and make a final buying decision
Every prospective customer must experience the Five Psychological States in their proper order if they are going to make any buying decision:
Unaware: Every prospective customer begins their journey with you and/or your product unaware that you/it even exists
Indifferent Awareness: Once you have the Attention of a prospective customer you must quickly get their Interest before they "move on"
Deficiency Awareness: Once you have the Interest of a prospective customer you must Engage their attention and make them understand the value and necessity of your product, service, or information
Potential Possibilities: Only after a prospective customer enters the Psychological State of Deficiency Awareness are they able to IMAGINE a world of Potential Possibilities
Buyer's Frenzy Mindset: The final step is to build a Value Proposition by defining your own Preeminent Distinction and creating an compelling Offer
Storytelling, Copywriting, and (all) Marketing have four key phases of engagement that are required to communicate affectively with any prospective customer:
Attention: The first step in any marketing campaign is to capture the Attention of a prospective customer moving them from an Unaware State to a state of Indifferent Awareness
Interest: Once you have a prospective customer's Attention, you must qualify them and transition them from a state of Indifferent Awareness to one called Deficiency Awareness
Engagement: Demonstration, proof, story, and testimonials are just some of techniques used to make a prospective customer imagine the Potential Possibilities and life changing affirmation your product, service, or information will do for them
Offer: The final step is to build a Value Proposition around your own Preeminent Distinction that will trigger the Buyer's Frenzy Mindset allowing qualified prospective customers to transition to clients and customers
Webinar Control Training ($1997) (with Mike Filsaime, Mitchell German, Andy Jenkins & Sean Wander)
Includes proven webinar hacks that can double sales on any webinar, invaluable step-by-step webinar slides structure training, how to structure your close for maximum sales, Webinar Control event promotion framework:
5 Laws: Max Registrations, Show Rate, Stick Rate, Closing, Echo
Step-By-Step Slides
Event Promotion Funnel
Structuring Close For High Conversions
51 Proven Webinar Hacks to Double Sales
Market Research
Interviews: Frank Kern & Steve Renton
6 Ways Webinars Can Grow Your Business
Original Webinar Genesis Training ($997) (with Mike Filsaime & Andy Jenkins)
If you are brand new to Webinars or have been struggling (or just want a refresher of the best practices), Webinar Genesis Training with Andy Jenkins and Mike Filsaime will teach you everything you need to know about promoting and running successful webinars for making sales. This training covers everything you need to know:
Getting Traffic
The Webinar
The Follow Up
Webinar Experts Interviews ($297)
Learn invaluable webinar and marketing tips from some of the most successful internet marketers:
Brendon Burchard
Russel Brunson
Jeff Walker
Jason Fladlien
Anik Singal
Mike Koenigs
Alex Mandossian
Bill McIntosh
Pam Hendrickson
Jeremiah Desmarais
Webinar Launches Training ($297) (with Mike Filsaime & Mike Koenigs)
Learn how to run the safest product launch for success. Never has it been easier to do a product launch and your affiliates will love you because they only need to promote for 7 days rather than the typical 21 days of prelaunch and cart-open-to-close. Find out how you can use Webinar Control for your next product launch. Gone are the days of producing 4 high production videos. This will lower your risks and maximize profits.
Product Launches
Behind the Scenes
Webinar Metrics Explained ($197) (with Mike Filsaime & Andy Jenkins)
Our goal as markets is to always find ways to improve our offers and funnels to get more leads, acquire more customers, and make more profits. Mike Filsaime and Andy Jenkins walk you through an in depth analysis of their own webinar promotions and provide behind-the-scenes insights and analysis.
Glossary of Metrics & Analytic Terms
Funnel Forecaster
Webinar Copy Clinic ($497) (with Mike Filsaime, Mitchell German, Andy Jenkins & Sean Wander)
This training walks you through the thought process of every line in high converting high engagement emails. Plus, you get access to some of Mike Filsaimes’s highest earning campaigns ever.
Email Copy Clinic
Email Swipe Files
Web Page Templates ($97)
Get access to done-for-you webpages:
Scarcity Replay Page
Scarcity JV Page
This seminal online seminar and workshop will be the most valuable information on the Fundamental Principles of Marketing and Storytelling, and how to influence prospective customers to make the required Two Buying Decisions by triggering their Imagination and the Psychological State of Potential Possibilities (without which no one buys anything).
This is simply the most comprehensive and authoritative training on how to plan, market, run and sell with webinars. It includes the original Webinar Genesis training with Andy Jenkins (of blessed memory) and Mike Filsaime. If you use or plan to use webinars as part of your marketing, then this training will teach you everything you need to know about promoting and running successful webinars for making sales.
The most unique and powerful marketing software that guides a marketer through every part of the copywriting and marketing story creation process, and then provides easy to follow templates covering: The Core Elements, Feature/Benefits, Product Story, Objections, Videos, Webinars and more.
This special software is based on the original Speaking Empire's (Dave Vanhoose and Dustin Matthews) Presentation Blueprint "Success By Design" and is bundled with Product Launch Creator. You cannot get software access to this powerful webinar and presentation formula anywhere else.
Imagine earing $12 or even over $45 from every single person on your list in just three weeks? If you have an existing list, this training program will show you how we have repeatedly used the same simple video style, simple video script, email copy, and email schedule (including the "Thank You" email we always send at the end that explodes any close out) to consistently launch new products to our existing customers with predictability and enormous success over and over (and over) again.
The only authoritative marketing handbook and guide based on the Five Psychological States of Awareness. This book is being drafted as an indispensable companion for participants in the Your Marketing Potential course and is scheduled to be distributed at the end of the seminar. (Print form delivery is expected in the Summer 2023)
Get access to Mitchell German's original Screenwriting Mega Course and writing package. This training is the most comprehensive and unique training on how to build compelling long form stories for movies and novels. If you (or someone you know) has any interest in writing screenplays or novels, then you can use (or gift) this valuable storytelling training.
The Five Psychological States of Awareness
Learn key Foundational Marketing Principles that are required to sell anything.
How To Use An Imagination Sequence
Discover how to integrate a proper marketing story into your overall copy and messaging.
The Four Parts Of Great Marketing Copy
Finally understand how to write marketing copy that will resonate with qualified prospects.
Why You Must Project A "Big Buying Idea"
The key to writing great copy is to project a single "Buying Idea" that forms the heart of any campaign.
Storytelling And Copywriting That Sells
The convergence of Storytelling and Copywriting is what creates the real magic and influence.
Understanding The Action Ascension Axis
Each step of engagement with a prospect requires a different message and action steps.
Work With A Marketing Mentor
Work directly with Mitchell German during group sessions and/or privately one-on-one.
Unlock Your Marketing Potential
This seminar and workshop will teach you how to influence the Two Essential Buying Decisions.
[Instant Access] Your Marketing Potential Seminar and Workshop [$2997]
[Instant Access] Webinar Control Complete Training Package [$4300]
[Instant Access] Product Launch Creator Software (with Offer Control) [$997]
[Instant Access] Presentation Control (Based On Speaking Empire) [$1000]
[Instant Access] Storytelling For The Masses Training (Optional) [$2500]
Double Affiliate Commissions
Only $550
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If you register and change your mind, all you have to do is request a refund within 15 days from the date of your registration.
What Happens After I Sign Up?
Immediately upon completion of your registration, you will get access to instant access to the entire course, Webinar Control and Product Launch Creator. Within 15 minutes you should receive a Welcome Email confirming your successful enrollment, if you don't receive any emails, please check your spam folder.
When Are The Actual Workshop Sessions & How Do I Attend The Live Sessions?
Content is fully recorded. Ant special live sessions are hosted online by Zoom. Typically Live Workshop Sessions are held on either Sundays and Wednesdays at 11 AM Eastern Time. In terms of accessing the Live Sessions, a Zoom Link will be sent to participants in advance.
Do I Need To Attend Live & What If I Can't Make A Live Session, How Long Will I Have Access To The Recordings?
Live participation is NOT required. All sessions are recorded, and posted online in a secure portal within 48 hours. The recordings from the live sessions will be available for you to access on your own time and you will have access to the content indefinitely. Private one-on-one sessions are also recorded, but due to the confidential nature of these sessions, they are NOT posted online, rather, individuals can get access to their private recorded sessions by request.
How Do I Schedule My Private Consultation?
If your purchased qualifies, once the workshop begins, you will receive a link to an online scheduling platform with available times and dates. You will be able to schedule two private sessions during the course of the workshop. You can schedule unused consulting time up to one full year from the start of the workshop.
Are There Other Payment Options Or Student Loan Programs?
Payments for the Your Marketing Potential can be made using a credit card, bank card or PayPal. We also provide payment plan options. We do not provide any loans for this workshop, rather we intentionally keep the price low enough that most people should be able to afford it or finance it themselves using a credit card. There is also an option to use PayPal financing, which allows you to pay in full now, but make payments for up to six months. If you need assistance or an alternate payment plan, please contact us at: [email protected] (or hit the WhatsApp button below)
How Do I Claim My Free Bonuses, software and book?
Upon completion of registration, you will also be entitled to access Webinar Control , Product Launch Creator and other bonuses. Typically, within 15 minutes of your registration you will receive instructions on how to access your extra products, as well as special training that you will be able to watch immediately. You will also receive a download link for a PDF copy of the book when it becomes available.
What If I Decide To Back Out Of The Workshop, Can I Get My Money Back?
This online workshop comes with a 15-Day Money Back Guarantee starting from the date of your registration.